Work from home jobs are more common now

Working from home has seen a rise with the COVID pandemic. People are showing that they are capable of doing at least part of their workload at home. There were numerous jobs that people were already doing pre-COVID that allowed them to work remotely. Most of these jobs are freelance jobs such as: graphic design, virtual assistant work, programming, digital marketing, etc. These individuals only report to you and once your contract is up they go back to freelancing for anyone who avails of their service. Some contracts last for one month, others for one project, some freelancers are even hired permanently due to the quality of work they consistently produce. This type of remote worker can be from a different town, city, state, or even country.

Remote staffing companies

Hiring a company that already has people with certain skills is another form of remote staffing. These companies can range from a wide variety of industries, the most common being: tech, medical, and real estate. An example of an external company would be a team of developers. If you need a website or some software custom-made for your business, you will contact the developer team, and for an agreed-upon length of time, they would work on your project for you. Just like with the first style of remote staff, this team could be from anywhere as long as they have access to the internet.

A variety of jobs can now be done remotely

While the most common remote work usually involves backend tasks, there are plenty of jobs that require specialized skills. There is an increase in the number of developers that do freelance work; due to the nature of their job, they can perform the needed tasks without being in the office. In the medical industry, there is a growing number of virtual nurses, medical billers, and customer service representatives that specialize in the medical field. In real estate, the most common remote worker is a virtual assistant. These assistants function as an all-around professional, keeping your calendar organized, file management, appointment setting, some even go on to doing calls.

The growth of the remote staffing industry

These jobs only require someone with the right skills and access to the internet in order to be done properly. The number of jobs that can be done remotely is growing along with the growth of technology, people don’t have to be tied to a desk anymore to get work done. Whether it’s an individual or a team that you hire, with proper management, you can join the countless others who have had their lives made easier with remote staffing.


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