Email Signature Template

How to copy the email signature into your company email account?

  1. Upload a photo first (for the best results, use a 200 x 200 image.)

    then click “Upload.”
  2. Once the photo has been successfully uploaded, fill out the form and when you’re done, click “Submit”.
  3. Then the “Copy Template” button will pop up. Click the button to copy the email signature template below.
  4. After that, go to settings in your Gmail account.
  5. Under “Signature” section, tick the radio box with the WYSIWYG editor option and not the “No Signature” option.
  6. Press CTRL + V to paste the template into the WYSIWYG editor.
  7. Click “Save changes”.

Complete name should be limit to 18 characters including space

Employee Image
Staff Position
Email Address
Skype id
www.clarkstaff.comUS: +1 910 795 2888 | UK: +44 20 8133 1069 | AUS: +61 2 8003 5771